Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Meaningful Comments! Not Newton. #12

Our friend Newton did not make nice comments to is fellow scientists. He was not one to create a community through commentary. If he had commentaries they often weren't very nice. In blogging in is important to write meaningful comments, let people know you "hear" them. After nosing around, I found some blogs had had comments that destroyed the community, how sad. Don't be a TROLL! This is something worth teaching to our students, as even in their daily conversations they aren't constructive to each other, and in middle school these comments (blogged or live) or can be devastating. The ten commandments are worth posting in every classroom. I then went on to post comments on 5 blogs: random travels, 1 bk, 2bks, 3bks, Access Biology, 60 and still special and lastly Greytpassion. There was the usual - oops how do I do this. BUT I did it. Google Blogs - green building and wildlife management looked very useful.

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